Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Chest Apical Lordotic View

X-raying Basics 

Chest Apical and Lordotic X-rays are a pain-free process to produce images of the heart, vessels, lungs, and airways. Since the exam is also non-invasive, this view is frequently used to evaluate usually obscured regions. However, more diagnostic imaging, tests, and more physical exams may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
The Apical and Lordotic view is most commonly used to evaluate and diagnose suspicious areas within the lung apices that are usually overshadowed, helping diagnose tuberculosis and tumors. 

Why do you need a Chest Apical Lordotic X-ray?

The Lordotic and Apical chest X-rays derive their long-standing value by demonstrating the apex of the lungs and other surrounding regions, which are usually obscured by overlying structures in routine X-rays. On a routine chest X-ray film, an even greater volume of lung is hidden behind the diaphragm and cardiac shadows, which then need to be inspected through Apical Lordotic Chest Views. 

The apical and lordotic Chest X-ray shows the apices of the lung in much better clarity than the traditional chest X-rays. If a normal chest X-ray shows a suspicious shadow or mass, or in cases of suspected apical diseases, these additional views are considered. This view is also instrumental in assessing the lungs for any tubercular infection.

When do you need it?

An apical lordotic view of the chest X-ray is used to visualize the lung apices better, look for apical tumors like Pancoast tumor or superior sulcus tumor tuberculosis in the apices of the lung. Usually, this region of the chest organs is shadowed by the clavicles. 

Chest Apical Lordotic X-rays are the first procedure you will have if you suspect having lung or heart disease. The lordotic and apical chest view can reveal many conditions of the lungs and heart, such as:

  • ● Masses in the lung
  • ● Infection, or gas/fluid collecting around a lung. 
  • ● Chronic lung diseases, such as emphysema or cystic fibrosis. 
  • ● A heart-related lung condition. Fluid in your lungs may be caused by congestive heart failure. 
  • ● The size and outline of your heart and blood vessels may point to heart failure, valve issues or fluid surrounding the heart, aortic aneurysms, or other blood vessel problems. 
  • ● The presence of calcium in your heart/blood vessels; its presence may indicate fats in your vessels, valves, and arteries. 
  • ● To observe lines or tubes placed during surgery to check for air leaks and fluid buildup. 
  • ● Observing the placement of a pacemaker, defibrillator, or catheter in surgery ensures everything is positioned correctly.

How do you need to prepare?

No special preparation is required for a Chest Apical Lordotic Views X-ray; however, keep the following points in mind before your appointment:

  • ● If there is a chance of pregnancy, inform your physician and radiologist to discuss the exposure limit for the developing fetus. 
  • ● Remove any jewelry or metal objects that might distort the radiographic image.
  • ● Consult the X-ray technician if you wear any on-body devices such as an insulin pump or have metal implants from prior surgeries
  • ● You may be asked to change into the hospital gown for the imaging at the time of the scan.

What to expect?

The technician will position you with your back arched until the upper back, shoulders, and head are against the image receptor and the machine that produces the X-rays. 

The X-ray technician will ask you to take a deep breath and hold it for some time. Holding your breath allows your heart and lungs to show up better on the X-ray film, gives you time to prepare, and results in a much higher quality radiograph.

Having X-rays taken is generally pain-free, and you will not feel anything as the X-rays pass through your body. However, you can have the exam while sitting or lying on your back if you have issues standing.

What do your X-ray results mean?

A radiologist will study your results and draw findings, produce a report and send it to your primary health care provider, who will explain what the results mean. 

Considering the findings of your Chest X-ray, your physician will discuss treatment plans and request any additional imaging or procedures that are necessary. 

Related X-rays: Chest PA, Online Chest 2V, Chest 2v Front and Lat Oblique, Complete Chest, Chest Special Views, Chest PA Lateral

Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00