When you enroll in a health insurance plan, you typically pay a premium each month in exchange for coverage of medical services, which can range from routine ch ...
CURA4U Healthcare Resources
What is Personalized Health Plans?
Personalized health plans are tailored approaches to wellness that consider an individual's unique health needs, preferences, and lifestyle factors.Rather than ...
Can 1099 Employees Get Health Insurance
Can 1099 Employees Get Health Insurance? The Answer is normally No as companies consider them self employed and refuse to cover their medical costs at times. Bu ...
Subscription Based Healthcare: The Ultimate Guide
If you're looking for affordable healthcare options for your company or for yourself then maybe Subscription Based Healthcare like Cura4U is the perfect platfor ...
How Much Does Chest CT Scan Cost Without Insurance
What to know how much a CT Scan of the Chest Costs without Insurance? According to a study conducted by Cura4U team, cost for a chest CT scan can cost between $ ...
Cheapest Way to See a Doctor Without Insurance
In the United States, the cost of healthcare continues to rise making everyday medical procedures like an MRI become unaffordable to diagnose health issues. Wit ...