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Early Stages Of Genital Herpes In Women

December 22, 2022 | Dr.Amna Zubair

Early Stages Of Genital Herpes In Women

Most people find discussing genital Herpes in women to be unpleasant. Nonetheless, genital Herpes is quite prevalent.

In reality, sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics in the UK record over 20,000 instances of genital Herpes each year (Mindel, 1998), while the USA estimates 500 000 new cases of Herpes each year (CDC, 1982).

Genital Herpes in women is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). It can be identified and targeted easily by online lab tests and reports and by keeping your appointments with wellness clinics in check.

What is Genital Herpes?

As we’ve mentioned before, genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. The need of the hour is to undergo a medical screening and safeguard ourselves from the risk of STDs. Sexual intercourse with a person suffering from the disease or skin-to-skin interaction can quickly transfer genital Herpes.

Some virus-infected patients may not exhibit symptoms or may have minor signs. These patients have an asymptomatic infection. However, they continue to have the ability to transmit the infection to others.

Transferability of the disease may be higher due to asymptomatic individuals, as they don’t know they have the disease and can still spread it.
This can be a massive problem as they won't be aware of the measures they need to take to prevent the spread of genital Herpes.

Early Stages of Genital Herpes in Women

The initial symptoms individuals can experience include but are not limited to

  • Painful sores and a group of small blisters on the skin or the lining of the genital organs
  • Small tears in the skin, rashes, or blemishes.
  • Feeling tingly, hot, or itchy near your genitalia                                                          
  • Painful urination
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Feeling of sickness such as fever, headaches, fatigue, and muscle aches.

The initial onset of symptoms can last for about two to four weeks before they disappear entirely.

The location of genital herpes in women is mainly limited to the following areas:

  • Labia majora
  • Labia minora
  • Mons pubis
  • Vaginal mucosa
  • Cervix

Visit a wellness clinic if you experience any of the above symptoms without further delay.

What Happens at a Wellness Clinic?

When you visit your nearest wellness clinic, the medical professional or nurse present will:

  • Make inquiries about your sexual partners and your symptoms
  • Collect fluids as a sample from one of your blisters using a sterile cotton swab for screening and analysis.

Diagnosis of Genital Herpes in Women Through Online Lab Tests

On the grounds of a medical assessment and a review of your sexual history, your doctor can typically determine whether you suffer from genital herpes or another illness.

Your physician will likely obtain a sample from an ongoing blister to validate a diagnosis. The Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and HSV-1 or HSV-2 infections are confirmed through one or even more tests conducted on those samples.

Your plasma may also be examined in a lab often to verify the diagnosis or filter out additional illnesses.

Confirmation is done by

  • Identifying viral DNA by PCR test
  • Antibody response to virus                                                                                            
  • Growing virus in culture

What are the Treatment Options?

Genital Herpes does not have a treatment. The following conditions may improve from an antiviral drug prescribed by a physician:

  • During the initial eruption, aid in treating blisters, sores, and lesions.
  • Minimize persistent infections' symptoms frequency and duration.                        
  • Decrease the number of recurring infections.

Treatment options used for managing genital Herpes include:

  • Acyclovir
  • Famciclovir
  • Valacyclovir

These are used topically or systemically to reduce pain and speed up healing. These treatments usually work best for recurring episodes before the blisters develop. The treatment pattern differs from individual to individual.

High-dose intravenous antivirals can be given in life-threatening situations as they are very potent and have a rapid effect.

The most appropriate treatment strategy for your case will be reviewed with you by your health practitioner. They will provide you with information about the disease, prevention, care, prophylaxis, and a detailed treatment plan.

Make sure to get regular checkups to stay up to date about your health. Medication and treatment plans are influenced by various medical parameters, such as the disease's aggressiveness, the HSV strain, and sexual activity, amongst others.

How Can You Prevent Genital Herpes in Women at its Early Stages?

The same measures used to manage other Sexually Transmitted Infections also are effective in preventing genital Herpes.

  • Being with a committed partner who has completed screening for STIs and turned out negative.
  • Using condoms when engaging in sexual activity. These minimize the possibility of infection but don't wholly eradicate skin-to-skin contact throughout intercourse.
  • Prevent oral, anal, or genital intercourse if you or your companion have sores, lesions, tingling, or irritation that indicates an impending eruption.

If you think you might be experiencing symptoms of genital herpes or want to get treated for it, visit Cura4U and get an appointment with an American board certified physician today!

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