
Make workout safer with these tips

February 25, 2020 | Farah Jassawalla

You must have noticed disclaimers on exercise websites or youtube videos: "consult your doctor before beginning this exercise to avoid injury". You must have caught yourself thinking, what could be so strenuous about exercise that would get you hurt? Well, it is quite usual to think on those lines, and, to be honest, light to moderate exercise is more often than not, okay for healthy adults. But it would be wise to talk to a doctor before taking on a routine that is a bit too vigorous for you, or you haven't been to used to working out at home, or if you think you might have some underlying health issue.
So, yes, it is advisable to consult your physician if you have had any injuries or some health condition, such as heart disease, respiratory problems like asthma, high blood pressure, joint disease, or any neurological illnesses. If you have been experiencing any symptoms that you think are problematic and could interfere with your exercise program, you should see your physician.
Once your doctor says it is okay for you to work out, you have to then think about the ways you can make exercising in your home environment safe, that is if you are not taking the help of a personal trainer. 
1. It is advisable to begin your exercise with a five to ten-minute warm-up period. 
2. Always take things slowly at first before aiming to go for a higher level. Boost your stamina with simpler workout routines first, especially if you haven't been regular.
3. If you jump right into difficult exercise routines, your chances of getting a severe injury are more than if you begin with lighter exercises. Injuries like stress fractures, stiff joints, and inflamed ligaments are quite common amongst people who are not used to exercising. 
4. If you stick to one kind of exercise, your chances of getting a sports-related injury are quite common. Swimming can give a shoulder injury, jogging can affect knees, ankles, and feet, tennis can affect elbows. Trainers often advise a mix of different workout routines to keep you safe.
5. If you are feeling unwell, it is wise to skip exercise that day. Contrary to the general opinion about exercise, you must not push yourself if you are not feeling it. Shorten an exercise session if you think you cannot finish it or are feeling tired or are going through pain in the joints after working out.
6. If you, for any reason, stopped working out for a while, you must restart with lighter exercises or lighter versions of the same workout routines. 
7. Most people can make do with taking sips of water in between routines, but for people who’re doing harder versions of exercises, lots of water intake is essential. They should also try to take in essential electrolytes.
8. Excercise attires and shoes are there for a reason. Always do your exercise in proper attire.
9. Do not exercise in hot, humid conditions. You may think it can't affect you, but it can lead to severe dehydration and overheating. Use airconditioning whenever possible, or slow down your routine in a temperature that is above 69°F. Try to work out during those parts of the day that are relatively cooler, like in the mornings or evenings. During exercise, if you have any symptoms of overheating like headaches, nausea, cramps, dizziness, or palpitations, you should stop right away.
10. You can also be a victim of hypothermia if you do not wear proper work out clothes during the colder months. Start with layers that you can take off as you warm up. Also, never forget to wear exercise gloves.

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