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Exciting news! CURA4U is now offering online urgent care consultations in 50+ states across USA. Click here to learn more!

Use of telehealth increase in senior citizens

June 24, 2020 | Farah Jassawalla

Out of all the age groups present, the senior citizen category is most at risk from COVID-19. Recent trends show that telehealth usage increased drastically within this age bracket. Even though the option of relying on telehealth existed prior to the coronavirus, its adoption has sky rocketed during the pandemic. This is so because leaving one’s house and going to a hospital can put one in a huge risk of catching the fatal virus. The government has also taken steps to ensure that telehealth bills be charged at the same rate as in-person consultations.

Home health is an important part of the healthcare system that has been neglected in telehealth services. Ironically, the elderly and chronically sick people require home health care more during COVID-19. None the less, the Congress is being pushed to look into the matter and make it easier for the senior citizens to use home health care through telehealth services and be charged the same price.