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Aphasia is a communication problem that can influence your voice, writing, and comprehension in both spoken and written form. Aphasia usually happens as a result of a hemorrhage or head trauma. However, it can also develop gradually due to a slow-growing brain tumor or an event that causes lasting damage. Aphasia severity is determined by various factors, including the source and extent of brain injury. Speech and language therapy are the major treatments for aphasia after the etiology has been identified. The individual with aphasia practices language abilities and learns to communicate in other ways. Members of the family are frequently involved in the process, assisting the individual in communicating.


Aphasia can be the result of certain disorder that causes brain damage, like:

·         Alzheimer's disease

·         Surgery on the brain

·         Tumors of the brain 

·         Traumatic brain damage caused by cerebral hypoxia

·         Frontotemporal dementia 

·         Epilepsy

·         Developmental disabilities and congenital difficulties

·         Inherited disorders

·         Encephalitis

·         Migraines

·         Chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

·         Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) or cerebrovascular disease.


Aphasia comes in a variety of forms. Each can result in a variety of linguistic problems, ranging from minor to severe. However, most verbal gestures can be classified as a fluent or non-fluent aphasia.

Fluent aphasia

You might be able to make a speech with linked sentences. However, while the sentences are connected, they may not have the same sense.

The following are examples of fluent aphasia:

·         Anomic aphasia: It is a kind of aphasia that occurs when a person has difficulty figuring out words. This is referred to as anomia.

·         Conductive aphasia: It's a form in which you can have problems remembering words or sentences.

·         Transcortical sensory aphasia: You have a tendency to repeat terms and phrases. However, rather than responding to queries, you're more inclined to repeat them.

·         Wernicke's aphasia: You may be able to hear the sounds or read the paper, but you will be unable to comprehend the message's content. Receptive aphasia patients frequently take statements literally. Because they don't grasp their own language, their own speaking could be disrupted.

Nonfluent Aphasia

 Your speech may come to a standstill if you have this kind. It could take a lot of work to put together a statement, and it might not be grammatically correct. However, you may be able to retain enough of the meaning of the words to make your argument.

The following are examples of nonfluent aphasia:

·         Broca's aphasia: This condition is also known as expressive aphasia. You know what you are willing to say, but it won’t be easy to articulate it to someone else. It makes no difference whether you're attempting to convey this through speech or writing.

·         Global Aphasia: This sort of aphasia is the most severe. It's common to observe it shortly after a brain hemorrhage. If you have global aphasia, you will have difficulty talking and understanding words. You can't read or write either. Aphasia after a stroke may improve with adequate treatment.

·         Transcortical motor aphasia: It is a kind of aphasia that affects the motor cortex. You may have excellent repetition abilities, but you may find it challenging to respond to questions without pausing to worry about them.

·         Crossed Aphasia: This sort of aphasia can occur as a result of a brain injury that affects the dominant part of the body. 

Signs And Symptoms

·         A person suffering from aphasia may speak in fragmented or unfinished phrases.

·         Replace one word with another or one syllable with another.

·         Make sentences that aren't grammatically correct.

·         Talk in an unfamiliar manner.

·         Not even understanding what other people are saying

·         Speak in unintelligible phrases.

Risk Factors and Epidemiology

The great majority of instances are caused by strokes, severe brain damage, and brain tumors. Aphasia patients are usually older and at a higher risk of having a stroke, but strokes can happen at any age.

The number of people suffering from aphasia in a certain time period is referred to as aphasia prevalence. According to NIDCD, roughly one million people, or one in every 250 people in the United States, suffer from aphasia.


A physical exam, medical history, diagnostic scans and testing, and other methods are used to diagnose aphasia. A healthcare physician may propose a series of tests to exclude other disorders or reasons that generate symptoms that are comparable to those found with aphasia.

Computed tomography (CT scan head): This is an imaging technique in which X-rays are used to create detailed images of the head.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan brain): A diagnostic process that produces comprehensive images using a combination of magnets, radio waves, and a machine.


Speech and language therapy

Speech and language therapy is typically the standard treatment for aphasia. Without therapy, aphasia can sometimes improve on its own.

A speech and language specialist administer this therapy. If you were admitted to the hospital, a speech and language therapy team should be there; otherwise, you can find your nearest speech and language therapy center. Most people with aphasia require several weeks of speech and language therapy to regain their full ability.

With the help of this treatment, your speech and language will be restored, and you will be able to communicate to the best of your abilities.

Initially, in the weeks following a stroke, many patients experience the most dramatic changes. However, improvement might be evident after so many years.


Aphasia is being treated with several medications that are currently being researched. Medications that boost blood flow to the brain, improve the brain's ability to recover, or assist in restoring depleted chemicals in the brain are among them (neurotransmitters). In some small-scale studies, drugs like memantine (Namenda) and piracetam have shown potential results. However, further study is required before all these therapies may be advised.


Brain stimulation is now being researched as a therapy for aphasia and may aid in the improvement of naming abilities. However, no long-term study has yet been conducted.

The goal of these therapies is to activate brain cells that have been destroyed. These methods are non-invasive. It employs magnetic fields and a low current delivered through electrodes.


The outlook for aphasia healing is largely determined by the underlying cause. The finest research has been conducted in the area of cerebrovascular disease. The majority of people with post-stroke aphasia get better. The majority of progress happens during the first few weeks and then plateaus after a year.

Lifestyle Modifications

Here are a few suggestions to enable individuals to communicate with someone who has aphasia.

·         Having a companion to practice with can assist somebody with aphasia in regaining their ability to talk.

·         Before you begin speaking, get the person's attention and maintain eye contact.

·         Allow the person to speak without being pressured to respond.

·         Keep sentences brief and concise, and avoid asking questions that require a lengthy response.

·         Distracting background noises should be kept to a minimum.

·         Wherever feasible, participate in routine activities.

·         Remove any unnecessary background sounds.

·         Maintain a normal tone of voice, but talk more slowly than normal.

·         Keep in mind that their condition influences how they communicate, and their voice may not always represent their mood.

Our clinical experts continually monitor the health and medical content posted on CURA4U, and we update our blogs and articles when new information becomes available. Last reviewed by Dr.Saad Zia on May 11, 2023. 


