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X-Ray Knee-Patella

X-rays of the knee joints/Patella are often requested in emergency rooms. Usually, they are used to assess or exclude the possibility of a fracture or level of osteoarthritis in the knee joints. Consequently, radiographs are taken to investigate and determine knee joint/ Patella pathology in traumatic and atraumatic contexts. Your X-ray technician will usually only use AP and Lateral views, however in some cases; a specific indication may require other non-standard, modified projections.
Physical examination and imaging evaluation, including standard radiographs, are crucial in identifying evidence of malalignment or instability. Evaluation of patellofemoral disorders is complex and requires a comprehensive assessment. Recent advancements in imaging have made possible a more precise assessment of the patient's anatomy, addressing issues of malalignment, instability, and underlying cartilage damage. A Knee/Patella X-Ray can help look for the common signs and symptoms such as unexplained pain, tenderness, or deformity of the knee. It can easily detect broken bones and fractures. Once the broken bone has been set the same, it can be used to monitor the progression of healing and alignment. An X-ray is also prescribed if a Knee surgery is required to plan for the surgery and later to see post-operative results. Cysts, tumors, late stages of infection, and other diseases of the bone can also be diagnosed through an X-ray.
Your doctor may order a Knee/Patella X-ray for a variety of reasons. In the context of trauma patients, Knee/Patella X Rays are indicated for the following reasons:
  • Injury
  • Tenderness at the head of the fibula on physical exam
  • Patella tenderness (isolated)
  • The inflexibility of the knee
  • The patient cannot bear weight on the knee
  • Detecting joint effusions
  • Suspected osteoarthritis
  • Infections
  • Patellofemoral pain
  • Abnormal masses
There is no special preparation required for a Patella/Knee X-ray; however, keep the following points in mind before your appointment:
  • Your child/patient will be asked to change into a hospital gown.
  • No jewelry, glasses, and metallic objects should be worn. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or there is a possibility of pregnancy; X-rays are usually avoided during this period.
  • Prepare your child for their X-ray by explaining the procedure in simple terms, such as comparing it to having a photograph taken of your bones.
  • You can familiarize them with the room and X-ray machines and stay in the room with them for support. Also, be sure to explain that they need to remain still so the experience passes quickly.
A Patella/Knee X-ray is a non-invasive procedure and does not hurt in any way. The patient will be guided to a dark, cold room that may feel uncomfortable at first but is manageable. The patient will enter a dark room with a large overhead X-ray machine and an exam table. The technician will position the patient and step behind a protective window or into an adjacent room to pilot the X-ray machine. Patients who can maintain a semi-recumbent position on the X-ray table may be assessed easily for a patellar fracture, subluxation from trauma injuries, and patellofemoral joint disease in orthopedics. Your technician may also advise you to be in a prone position with legs extended, placing a sandbag under thighs and legs to reduce pressure if needed with the knee bent close to 30° AP projection is ideal for investigating tibial plateau and tibiofemoral alignment. For bed-bound patients, a rolled lateral view is often performed for suspected arthritis. Joint-space-related pathologies like osteoarthritis are assessed through weight-bearing projections such as Rosenberg's view.
Your doctor will check your X-ray for fractures in the fibular head, fibula, and tibia. The X-ray may suggest a tibial plateau fracture, soft tissue effusion, tibial plateau avulsion, fractures at intercondylar eminence, patellar tendon disruption, or bipartite patellas. Your radiologist will interpret your radiographic images and send a detailed report of the results to your physician. At your next appointment, your doctor will discuss the findings of your X-ray with you and draw a clinical plan accordingly. If you have any questions regarding the progression of events, let your doctor know so you can be anxiety-free.
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