X-Ray Knee-Patella
- Injury
- Tenderness at the head of the fibula on physical exam
- Patella tenderness (isolated)
- The inflexibility of the knee
- The patient cannot bear weight on the knee
- Detecting joint effusions
- Suspected osteoarthritis
- Infections
- Patellofemoral pain
- Abnormal masses
- Your child/patient will be asked to change into a hospital gown.
- No jewelry, glasses, and metallic objects should be worn. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or there is a possibility of pregnancy; X-rays are usually avoided during this period.
- Prepare your child for their X-ray by explaining the procedure in simple terms, such as comparing it to having a photograph taken of your bones.
- You can familiarize them with the room and X-ray machines and stay in the room with them for support. Also, be sure to explain that they need to remain still so the experience passes quickly.
Knees (Both) X-ray, Knee 2 Views X-Ray