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Milk Component Panel IgE

About Test

A Milk Component Panel IGE test is a laboratory test that measures the levels of specific milk proteins (Casein, Beta Lactoglobulin, Alpha Lactalbumin) in a person's blood. The test is used to diagnose cow's milk allergy, which is a condition in which the body's immune system reacts to proteins in milk.

The Milk Component Panel IGE test is performed using a blood sample, which is analyzed for the presence of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies specific to the proteins in milk. IgE antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to allergens and are a key indicator of an allergic reaction.

The results of the Milk Component Panel IGE test can provide valuable information for the diagnosis and management of milk allergy. A positive result can indicate that the person has an allergic reaction to milk, while a negative result can help to rule out milk allergy as a potential cause of symptoms. The results of the test can also inform treatment decisions, including the selection of an appropriate diet and the use of medications to manage symptoms.

Distance: 25 KM
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