Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Chest Oblique Projection

About Test

An oblique chest x-ray is a type of imaging test that involves taking an x-ray image of the chest from an angle. In an oblique projection, the patient is positioned at a slight angle to the x-ray machine, usually with the left side of the chest closer to the machine.

The oblique projection of the chest is a useful test to evaluate certain conditions that may not be as easily seen on a standard frontal chest x-ray. For example, it can help to detect certain abnormalities of the lungs, such as masses or tumors, that may not be visible on a frontal chest x-ray. An oblique chest x-ray can also help to evaluate the position of the diaphragm and evaluate the pleural spaces.

The interpretation of an oblique chest x-ray requires the expertise of a qualified healthcare professional who will analyze the image to determine if there are any abnormalities present. It is important to note that an oblique chest x-ray is just one part of the diagnostic process, and other diagnostic tests, such as CT scans or MRIs, may be necessary to make a definitive diagnosis.

Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00