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X-Ray Wrist Minimum 3 Views

About Test

X-ray is an imaging modality that uses focused beams of ionizing radiation to create images of the inside of the body. These radiations are absorbed to different degrees by the body tissues depending on their constitution and provide different shades of black-and-white images. For example, an x-ray wrist is performed to visualize the wrist’s bones, joints, and soft tissues for any condition that may be causing your symptoms. The wrist X–ray shows distal ends of the forearm bones, radius, and ulna, along with the radiocarpal and distal radioulnar joint. And the eight bones of your wrist are arranged as two rows of four bones. Namely, Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate and hamate. It is a quick, painless, and noninvasive procedure and is usually performed via three angles; Posterio-anterior (PA), Lateral and oblique view.

Why and when do you need this test?

Your doctor may advise this test to diagnose a disease if you have signs and symptoms affecting your wrist.

Some of the indications for performing a wrist X-ray include the following;

  • Pain or tenderness in the wrist
  • Swelling or deformity
  • To look for Fractures
  • In the setting of trauma or injuries
  • to check for degenerative diseases affecting the bones
  • Dislocations of the joints
  • To check for inflammation or arthritis
  • To check for bone growth in metabolic diseases or nutritional deficiencies
  • Pre-surgical and post-surgical evaluation
  • To check for correct healing after a healed fracture
  • Suspecting tumors
  • To compare the bone age with chronological age in children


Do you need to prepare for the test?

  • It is an easy and quick test for which you do not need to make any special preparation.
  • You may need to remove jewelry, metal clips, or any metallic thing that can interfere with the radiation and may affect the image.
  • You should wear loose, easy clothing to feel comfortable. 

What can you expect?

  • In the X-ray room, you will be asked to sit down comfortably.
  • The radiologist will request that you place your arm on the X-ray table.
  • The X-ray machine consists of a metallic plate or box with the X-ray film and a moveable metallic arm holding the X-ray camera.
  • You will be positioned according to the requirements of the X-ray so that the X-ray can be taken from three angles, that is, from the back, from the side, and at an angle. 
  • You need to hold still to prevent the images from getting blurry.
  • You would be given a lead apron to wear to protect the other parts of your body from radiation.
  • It is a painless procedure that lasts for about 15-20 minutes.


Are there any risks to this test?

It is a non-invasive test that uses low doses of X-rays that poses no risks unless you are pregnant. However, the ionizing radiation may harm the developing fetus. If you are pregnant, you must inform your doctor.

What do the test results mean?

A radiologist will send a signed report to your doctor. Your doctor would be able to describe your report results to you.

Some of the abnormal results may include;

  • Carpel tunnel syndrome.
  • Bone infection (osteomyelitis).
  • Fractures of the bones
  • Presence of bone Cysts
  • Presence of a foreign body
  • Arthritis
  • Bone cancer
  • Deformities due to arthritis or birth defects
  • Dislocated or inflamed joints

Related Tests:

Other related tests may include:

  • MRI scan of the wrist
  • CT scan of the wrist