Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Entire Spine 6V


This imaging test is ordered by the doctor to identify any issues with bones of the spine, namely the neck, mid-back, and lower back. X-ray aids in spotting abnormalities, injuries, and diseases of the bone. 

X Ray Basics:

Before sending the patient for the X-ray, the doctor needs details of the patient's medical history. He or she also requires information about when the pain started, for how long it was prevalent, and any other symptoms that may occur which have impacted the lifestyle of the patient. X-ray imaging is used with any identifiable clinical symptoms to diagnose the disease and chart treatment plans for the future. 
Furthermore, a physical exam may be taken. For example, the doctor might examine the gait or the posture of the patient as part of the physical exam. The physical exam is also used to identify issues like swelling, stiffness, or back pain points in the area concerned.

Why do you need an X-Ray?

X-rays are quick and painless procedures. The X-ray will help the doctor in discerning if the patient has pain or discomfort in any part of their spine. Pain occurs due to a range of reasons such as injuries like a fracture, a break, infection, or any other condition. It may also be ordered if the patient's bones have been reset after being broken to see if the bones are in perfect alignment or not. 
The imaging helps the doctors in drawing up appropriate treatment plans. They may also suggest lifestyle changes and set you on the path to recovery, relieving you from constant muscle pain. 

What can you expect?

After you have prepared appropriately, the X-Ray technician at the lab helps the patient settle in and directs them according to the requirements of the X-ray. This is a two-view X-ray; two images will be taken in different positions. 
The first position is the AP view which shows the leg in its natural anatomical position, and the second is the lateral AP view, in which the patient is either supine or erect, and the view is parallel to the spine. Other views are AP Oblique and PA oblique, which are supplementary and are done bilaterally for comparison. In the former, the left or right posterior is closer to the image receptor, while in the latter, the anterior is. Other views include an AP open or close-mouthed odontoid view and cervicothoracic views. 
In general, the patient is required to hold their breath and remain still while the image is being taken in order to ensure it's not blurry; otherwise, the procedure may have to be repeated. While the process is relatively short, it may take a longer time for the X-ray to come out if the patient has been injected with a dye to make the imaging come out clearer and detailed. 

How do you need to prepare for the X-ray?

X-rays are standard procedures and do not require the patient to prepare beforehand. However, there are some things that must be kept in mind before going in for the imaging:

● No jewelry, glasses, and metallic objects should be worn, as they make the X-Rays harder to read.
● Consult your physician if you are pregnant, or there is a possibility of pregnancy; X-rays are usually avoided during this period.
● Inform your doctor beforehand if you wear any on-body devices such as an insulin pump or any metal implants in your body

When do you need to get it?

It is ordered to evaluate injuries related to the spine – back or neck. The X-ray is ordered to 

● Evaluate Ongoing pain, numbness, or weakness. 
● Check for arthritis of the joints between the vertebrae 
● Check for fractures or dislocations. 
● Check the spine for effects from varying conditions like infections, tumors, or bone spurs. 
● Check for abnormal curves of the spine, such as scoliosis, which is common in kids 
● Check changes in the spine after spinal surgery.

What do your X-ray results mean? What will happen now?

Typically, the X-ray results are available on the same day. They are reviewed by the doctor and radiologist, allowing them to determine how they should proceed. In accordance with the results, the doctor may also order additional imaging scans.  

Related X-rays:

Thoracic Spine,  Lumbosacral X-ray,  Entire Spine 1V, Entire Spine 2-3V, Entire Spine 6V, Lumbar Spine Min 4V, Lumbar Spine Min 2-3V, Lumbosacral Spine X-Ray

Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00