Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Soft Tissue Neck

A neck X-ray is a painless and safe exam that uses a small dose of radiation to construct images of the soft tissues in the neck. The radiographic image shows structures in the neck such as the neck bones (vertebrae), the soft tissue of the vertebrae, and the adenoids and tonsils in case they're enlarged. It also reveals the oral and nasal passageways, the nasopharynx (where these two passageways meet), part of the trachea, and the epiglottis (a flap that covers the trachea when you swallow). An X-ray technician will guide you while conducting the procedure. When a neck ray is done to view the soft tissues of the neck, usually one picture is taken from the lateral (side) view. An additional picture from the front may also be taken.
A Neck X-ray is prescribed to help diagnose and treat problems with soft tissues of the neck. Symptoms such as stridor (noise breathing), barking cough, and hoarseness may result from swelling of different areas in or near the passageways. A neck X-ray can help reveal conditions such as swollen epiglottis (epiglottitis) and swelling around the larynx known as croup. It also helps accurately diagnose infections of the throat, such as retropharyngeal abscess that occurs when pus collects at the back of the throat. Young children with obstructive sleep apnea, excessive snoring, or recurrent sinus and infections can be evaluated through a Neck X-ray as it shows signs of enlarged tissues such as adenoids and tonsils. A neck X-ray also reveals any abnormal masses in the neck, such as cysts, tumors, and accidentally ingested/ inhaled foreign objects (e.g., fishbone) lodged in the airway esophagus.
The procedure may take about fifteen to twenty minutes. However, the exposure to x-ray radiation is only less than a second. While the X-ray is being done, the parent and the child will be covered to shield from any radiation. A neck X-ray may be conducted in a sitting, standing, or lying position. This will depend on the condition of the patient and the reason for the X-ray. Expect the technician to change the positions of the patient to accommodate precise imaging. The patient will be asked to hold their breath and remain still for a few seconds while the X-ray is being taken. Keeping the neck still is vital to prevent any blurring in the image or the procedure might have to be redone. The entire procedure is painless and although the positions might be awkward or uncomfortable, it lasts for only a few seconds. If the patient is injured or in pain and can't hold the position, the technician will help find another position that makes them feel more comfortable.
There is no special preparation required for a Wrist X-ray; however, keep the following points in mind before your appointment:
  • No jewelry, glasses, and metallic objects should be worn. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, or there is a possibility of pregnancy; X-rays are usually avoided during this period.
  • Prepare your child for their X-ray by explaining the procedure in simple terms, such as comparing it to having a photograph taken of your bones.
  • Your doctor may order a neck X-ray for a variety of reasons, but generally causes for a neck X-ray due to neck injuries include:
  • Retropharyngeal abscess
  • Foreign body shadow
  • Epiglottitis
  • Croup
  • Bacterial tracheitis
  • Neck tumors
  • Enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids
  • Car accidents, especially rear-impact collisions
  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Whiplash
  • Repetitive strain
  • Sprains and strains
  • Nerve pinch injury
  • Disk injury
  • A radiologist will study the X-ray and send a report to your doctor, who will discuss the results with you and explain what they mean. While CT neck with IV contrast can help with an accurate differential diagnosis between phlegmon versus abscesses and help with surgical planning, an X-ray is an appropriate first step if there is a concern for a disturbed airway in the horizontal position. Your doctor will also look for obscure signs, including foreign body shadow, esophageal air, loss of cervical lordosis, prevertebral swelling, or soft tissue emphysema.
    Distance: 25 KM
    Actual Price: $22.00
    Your Price: $22.00