Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Eye Sockets

Also known as

orbital x-ray, orbital cavity radiograph, eye sockets radiograph

An eye socket x-ray is a radiograph taken of both left and right eye sockets. It is beneficial for detecting fractures of the bones of the orbital cavity and its surrounding area that arise from injury or disease. This procedure is commonly used for detecting foreign objects in the eye that an ophthalmoscope cannot detect. It is also sometimes given before an MRI where metal fragments could cause significant damage.
The eye socket, also called the orbit or orbital cavity, consists of seven different bones connected into four areas. You may need to get an eye socket x-ray if you suffer from a fracture or crack in any of these bones. The bones include the orbital rim, which is the outer edge of the orbital cavity. This bone is very thick, so only extreme force, such as an injury from a car accident, can break it, injuring the nerves and connective tissues and muscles of the eye. A fracture of the orbital rim can extend to the orbital floor and cause a natural orbital floor fracture, resulting from extreme trauma. You may also need to get an eye socket x-ray if you have an indirect orbital floor fracture or blowout fracture. These are caused when a blunt object hits a person in the face forcefully, which leaves the socket's bony rim intact but causes a hole in the eye's floor. This hole can damage constant muscles, nerves, or connective tissue, causing problems with your eye's mobility and vision. The next type of fracture, the trapdoor fracture, is common in children who have flexible bones. Trapdoor fractures are a type of orbital bone fracture. The bones are flexed outward and then rescind to their regular position instead of fracturing. Trapdoor fractures may not sound extreme but can still lead to extreme and permanent damage.
The most common causes of an eye socket fracture is an accidental injury or physical assault. They are usually common in the eye socket's thicker bones after someone has undergone a traumatic event. A punch around the eye can lead to a fracture if there is too much pressure on the bone. Your doctor may order this x-ray if they suspect:
  • Blood vessel issues
  • Eye muscle issues
  • Optic nerve issues
  • Sinusitis
  • An abscess (infection) of the eye area
  • Broken eye socket bone
  • Foreign object in the eye socket
The main symptom of an eye socket fracture is pain near the eye. Depending on the type of fracture and its severity, you will have to get an eye socket x-ray if you have:
  • swelling on your eyelid
  • a black eye and discoloration
  • bleeding in the sclera (the white part of the eye)
  • numbness in the cheeks or forehead
  • vision problems, double vision, or blurred vision,
  • difficulty in moving the eye
  • sensitivity to light
  • an eye that appears sunken or bulging
  • a flattened cheek
  • a pocket of air under the skin in the orbital cavity
  • nausea and vomiting
Usually, there are no special preparations needed before this test unless your doctor tells you to. However, you should tell your doctor if you have surgically implanted devices, such as a metal plate in your head, artificial heart valves, or a pacemaker. Even if these devices are not close to your eye sockets, they may disrupt the x-ray, although your doctor may continue with it. You may be required to undress and remove jewelry, glasses, contact lenses and wear a hospital gown during the procedure.
The procedure can be done by either standing or lying horizontally on your back. However, most usually, you will be standing. The x-ray is taken PA (posteroanterior), meaning that you will face the receiver and away from the x-rays source. The technician will position you so that your chin rests on the x-ray image receiver, tilting your head up. This view is called occipital-mental or OM. You will only be required to this one view unless your doctor tries to examine if there are any metallic fragments in your orbital cavity. In this case, they will order two projections. You will have to gaze upwards and another with you gazing downward; these will show any metallic fragments. Two other views that your doctor may order are the Water's view which helps visualize the front orbital floor and front sinuses. The Caldwell view helps to visualize the sinuses at the front and sides of your nasal cavity and the back of the orbital floor. During the procedure, you may be allowed to rest your head on a pillow and made to wear a neck brace and foam pads to support your face. It would be best if you lay still, or else the x-ray images will be blurry. The x-ray technician may also ask that you hold your breath for a few seconds so that the radiographs are of good quality. The entire procedure will last around 15 minutes.
Your doctor or radiologist will use your x-rays to look for signs in the radiograph that may suggest if you have eye trauma. Once your doctor has determined the issue, they will discuss the results with you and other necessary treatments or procedures. An eye socket X-ray produces a black-and-white image that shows the bones, tissues, and muscles in your orbital cavity. The structures that block radiation appear white, such as bone and thicker muscle, and organs that let radiation appear darker, such as thinner tissue and skin. The doctor will let you know, after careful observation, if your eye socket x-ray is healthy or abnormal. Abnormal results may include:
  • Broken or fractured eye socket bones
  • Graves disease
  • Infection
  • A benign or malignant tumor
Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00