Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Facial Bones complete

Also known as Skull radiograph

A facial X-ray is a series of radiographs of the bones in the face and skull. A facial X-ray helps find bone fractures, tumors, foreign objects, infections, abnormal growths, or changes in bone structure or size. The facial skeleton consists of:
  • Frontal bone (the forehead)
  • Zygoma (the cheekbones)
  • Orbital cavity (eye sockets)
  • Nasal bones (nose)
  • Maxillary bone (upper jaw)
  • Mandible (lower jaw)
A facial bone X-Ray is one of the first procedures ordered if you have undergone any trauma to the face. This procedure is also done if any issue with the sinuses is suspected. There are many other bones found deep into the facial structure. Muscles required for facial expressions like chewing, swallowing and talking are attached to these bones. Located near the bones in your face are the nerves and muscles responsible for sensations, expressions and eye movements; which shows why a fracture of the facial bones can be so crucial to treat. Especially since the face is close to the brain and central nervous system, fractures may damage the cranial nerves depending on the fracture's particular type and location. If there are fractures to the orbit (eye socket), it may result in defects with vision and you may have to get an x-ray of the orbital cavity. Nose fractures make it difficult for a patient to breathe and smell. Fractures of the jawbone, meanwhile, may cause breathing problems or make it difficult to chew, speak, or swallow.
After an initial check-up, your physician may ask you to get a facial bone or sinus X-ray if they suspect that you may have:
  • Fractures or cracks of the facial bones and nose
  • A condition of the nose's sinuses called sinusitis
  • Abnormal growths in the face, such as polyps or tumors
  • Metal objects around your eyes (usually before a magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) test.
You may also have to get a facial bones x-ray so that your doctor can determine the cause of the pain in your face after an accident. They may also use it to check the sinuses before you undergo surgery and check the bones around the way, along with an eye socket x-ray. There are two different types of facial bones X-rays, one of which is the Occipitomental (OM) facial bones x-ray. It is an angled posterior-anterior radiograph of the face, where the patient looks upwards. The second type is a lateral view, a non-angled lateral x-ray showcasing the facial bones. Another type of facial X-ray is called a paranasal sinus X-ray series which examines the sinuses (air-filled cavities) around the nose and eyes. These are useful in assessing fractures in the facial bones, sinusitis and inflammation in the skull. It is also a necessary x-ray for locating foreign objects lodged in the facial bones after trauma to the head.
Usually, there are no special preparations needed before this test unless your doctor tells you to. However, you should tell your doctor if you have surgically implanted devices, such as a metal plate in your head, artificial heart valves, or a pacemaker. Even though such a device might disrupt the image, your doctor may still choose to perform the procedure.
  • Consult your x-ray technician if you have a prosthetic or artificial eye because the prosthesis can create a puzzling shadow on an X-ray of your facial bones.
  • You will be required to take off glasses and dentures if you have them. You will also need to remove any jewelry worn on your faces, such as earrings, nose, or any other types of facial piercings and necklaces.
  • You will either have to lie on an X-ray table or sit in a chair facing the X-ray machine. The x-ray technologist will take a series of images to obtain clear pictures of your face. The technician will take several views of your face and your head will need to be repositioned for each shot.
For the Waters or occipitomental (OM) facial bones x-ray, the technician will ask you to lift your face slightly upwards and gaze at the ceiling. You will have to hold your face straight and look at the X-ray machine for the lateral view. It is imperative to hold your head entirely still during the procedure. If you have trouble keeping your head still, in place or have any pain while doing so, a padded brace, foam pads, headband, or a sandbag can help to hold your head still. Suppose your doctor requires radiographs of your orbital cavities and sinuses. In that case, you will have to sit in a chair during the process. You might have to wear a padded brace around your head to hold it still. Wearing the brace or foam pads will not hurt and neither will the X-ray. You may have to bear with the uncomfortable positions during the X-ray, significantly if you are injured. The procedure will take around 15 to 20 minutes, after which you will get your x-rays when they are ready.
As radiation passes through your body, the film will show denser materials such as bone and muscles as white, compared to the flesh, which will appear darker. Tumors will also appear white. When presented against a lit background, your doctor and radiologist will be able to determine any problems. A regular and healthy facial bones x-ray will have the facial bones and orbital cavity normal in shape and size, with no broken or fractured bones, no foreign objects or abnormal growths appearing in the X-ray. An abnormal X-ray may show foreign bodies, broken bones, and signs of fracture or tumors present. Fluid or thick tissue lining the sinuses may appear and indicate sinusitis. Depending on what the X-rays show, your doctor may order other follow-up imaging scans, such as an MRI or CT scan.
Related X-Rays:

Eye Sockets X-Ray

Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00