Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Orbits 4 Views

Orbital x rays are an imaging exam of the cavity containing the eyes. The orbits are bony cone-shaped cavities that hold and protect the eyes; they are lined with tissue to cushion the eyes. The orbit bones are thin and easily subjected to fractures. Each orbit consists of two walls and a roof and floor, and the bones that form the rotation are the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones of the skull and the lacrimal, palatine, maxillary, and zygomatic bones. Therefore a series of orbital X-ray views are necessary to see the whole structure well. Your doctor will take images of both orbits so that they can make a comparison between the two sides.
Your doctor will use your orbital X-ray to detect conditions resulting from trauma or injury to the eye. Most facial fractures involve the orbital bones. Your doctor may also order a radiograph of the orbits for patients complaining of pain, sight issues, or excessive watering of the eyes or when they cannot detect a foreign body with an ophthalmoscope. Orbital X-ray is also used as a screening tool before an MRI because the magnetic field in an MRI could move a metallic foreign object in the eye.
The most common cause of an eye socket fracture is an accidental injury or physical assault. They are usually common in the eye socket's thicker bones after trauma. Your doctor may order this X-ray if they suspect:
  • Broken eye socket
  • Blood vessel issues
  • Eye muscle issues
  • Optic nerve issues
  • Sinusitis
  • An abscess of the eye area
  • Foreign object in the eye socket
You will have to get a four-view orbital X-ray if you have:
  • swelling on your eyelid
  • a black eye and discoloration
  • bleeding in the sclera
  • numbness in the cheeks or forehead
  • vision problems, double vision or blurred vision,
  • eye immobility or sunken eye
  • Sensitivity to light
  • a flattened cheek
  • a pocket of air under the skin in the orbital cavity
There are no special preparations needed before an orbital X-ray. However, the technician may ask you to put on a hospital gown if your clothes have buttons, clasps or metal hooks. You should remove dentures, jewelry, or metal objects, which may interfere with obtaining a detailed image.
A standard orbital X-ray consists of 4 different views; Water's view, Caldwell view, oblique images of both sides, and lateral images of both sides. X-rays of the orbits may be done with the patient sitting or lying down.
  • Water's view: This is the best view to observe the orbits clear of any obstructions. This view also allows the fluid build-up to be easily detected since the maxillary sinuses are visible. For this view, you will have to extend your chin forward at least 37 degrees and rest on support; you will also have to look straight ahead.
  • Caldwell view: For this, the technician will ask you to lie face down and head completely straight Then, the technician will take the X-ray head-on
  • Lateral view: The technician will take two different images for this view, one looking up and one looking down. The X-ray technician will direct you to turn your head onto the affected side for this view. The procedure usually takes around 15 minutes, during which you will have to remain completely still.
  • Oblique view: This view obtains an image of your orbits from an angle to the perpendicular. The X-ray technician will have you tilt your head to the unaffected side and take the radiograph directly.
Your doctor or radiologist will use your X-rays to look for signs in the radiograph that may suggest if you have. Once your doctor has determined the issue, they will discuss the results with you and other necessary treatments or procedures. An orbital X-ray produces a black-and-white image that shows the bones, tissues, and muscles in your orbital cavity. The structures that block radiation appear white, such as bone and thicker muscle, and organs that let radiation appear darker, such as thinner tissue and skin. The doctor will let you know, after careful observation, if your eye socket X-ray is healthy or abnormal. Abnormal results may include:
  • Broken or fractured eye socket bones
  • Graves disease
  • Infection
  • A benign or malignant tumor
Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00