Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Hips Both 2 Views

An X-ray is the most common diagnostic tool that aids doctors in studying anatomy without an invasive procedure. Radiographic examination remains the most commonly sought initial assessment for hip pathologies and pain. However, physical exams, patient history, and accurate diagnosis all aid in better treatment.
You might experience pain around the Hip. Causes of this pain may occur from within the joint, from outside of the joint, or may be referred pain from surrounding structures such as the sacroiliac joint, spine, symphysis pubis, or the inguinal canal. Causes of pain originating from within the Hip include tears, degenerative changes, chondromalacia, bone injury, ligament ruptures, arthritis, and synovial proliferative disorders. Causes arising from outside the joint include muscle injury, piriformis syndrome, bursitis, tendinopathy, and iliotibial band syndrome. Any imaging of the Hip has to be in conjunction with the patient's clinical history, the physical examination conducted by the physician because radiographic findings may not always correlate with the presence of pain. Clinical tests are put in place to identify the source of the pain and differentiate it between intra-articular or extra-articular.
Your doctor will prescribe you a Hip X-ray if they suspect a fracture, joint dislocation, effusion, or other pediatric pathologies. A Hip X-ray can help detect the common signs and symptoms such as limping, tenderness, swelling, or a deformity in the hip area. It can identify broken bones, bone spurs, and dislocated joints. If hip surgery is required, a hip X-ray is used to draw plans for the surgery and later to monitor post-operative results. It can also detect bone cysts, tumors, the severity of infections, pathologies of the hip joint, and other diseases in the bones of the hips. Your doctor may order a Hip X-ray for numerous reasons. Often, this would be after a traumatic event, such as a car accident or a severe fall. Hip radiographs are conducted for a variety of settings, including:
  • Sharp hip pain
  • Injury/trauma
  • Abnormal gait
  • Inability to bear weight
  • Arthropathy
  • Knee/ Patella pain
There is no special preparation required for a Hip Bilateral X-ray; however, keep the following points in mind before your appointment:
  • If your exam requires a contrast dye to make the image clearer, it will be administered as an enema, injection, or a pill to swallow some time before imaging
  • The patient will be asked to change into a hospital gown.
  • No jewelry, glasses, and metallic objects should be worn. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or there is a possibility of pregnancy; X-rays are usually avoided during this period.
  • Consult the X-ray technician if you wear any on-body devices such as an insulin pump or have metal implants from prior surgeries
  • You may be asked to empty your bladder before the imaging
The best visuals of the hip joints are obtained in anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs. The series is requested for a myriad of reasons, from trauma to atraumatic hip pain. A standard patient position for both Hip X-Rays includes an anteroposterior (PA) image and a lateral image. Lauenstein image, also known as the frog-leg lateral image, is a lateral position that allows both hip joints to be imaged simultaneously. The AP image would also ideally show both hip joints. The patient is requested to lay on their back, and the X rays pass through the hip joint. While the images are being taken, you will be asked to hold your breath in order to obtain clear images. When your radiologist approves the radiographs, the procedure is complete. You can immediately change back into regular clothes and go about your normal activities right away.
Once you have your X-ray images, a radiologist will study your radiographs and make a report for your doctor. The doctor will then discuss the findings on the X-Ray with you, explaining everything in detail. The conditions manifesting in the radiographs may include Hip Luxation, Osteoarthritis, or complications with hip prosthesis. Your doctor will calmly walk you through the treatment plans.
Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00