Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

MRI Hip With & Without Contrast

A hip MRI scan is an imaging exam that examines the pelvic bones and hip joints. The hip joint, where the pelvis is attached to the legs, is a ball and socket synovial joint. It connects the pelvic acetabulum and the top of the femur and allows movement of the mid-body. Doctors commonly order hip MRI scans in cases of suspected fractures and dislocations. MRI scans utilize radio waves and magnets to capture photographs of the soft tissue (like organs and muscles) and bones inside your body to allow doctors to diagnose complications in your hips.
Hip pain has many causes, including problems in bony structures as well as soft tissues. For hip pain, obtaining a correct diagnosis requires a complete medical and physical exam. Usually, X-rays are an excellent place to start because these can show fractures or arthritic changes. If your X-rays are routine and you have persistent hip symptoms, your doctor may choose to proceed with an MRI. MRIs can pick up stress fractures or bone bruises that X-rays may miss. It can also show the early signs of arthritis, even when the X-rays are normal, because MRIs can show changes in your cartilage and the underlying bone. MRIs will often show unexpected causes of hip pain originating from the sacroiliac joints, pubic bones, or the lower lumbar spine. Other sources of pain could be from tumors, infection, or necrosis of the bone that can be diagnosed via MRI with contrast.
Your doctor may order a hip MRI scan with contrast if you have any of the following symptoms.
  • Trauma
  • Hip pain
  • Abnormal gait
  • Inability to bear weight
  • Arthropathy
  • Limping
  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Deformity in the hip area
You do not need to prepare for this exam. However, you have to change into a hospital gown and remove jewelry and piercings before the scan. Tell your doctor if you have artificial heart valves, implants, plates, prosthetic joints or limbs, or stents in your body since an MRI machine uses magnets. Remember to inform your doctor if you have a pacemaker so they can use another imaging exam to inspect your hip, such as a CT scan. However, some models are re-programmable, so they're not a hindrance to the scan. If you're claustrophobic, being in the MRI machine can be triggering. In this case, you can get anti-anxiety medications or even be sedated for the exam.
The MRI technician will inject you with a gadolinium-based dye into your arm intravenously. The contrast medium enhances the image quality and allows the radiologist more accuracy and confidence in their diagnosis. The MRI technician will then have you lie on the bench on your back, side, or stomach, depending on the hip of interest. You can also ask for a pillow for support or blanket if you have trouble lying on the bench or are in discomfort. The technician will then control the bench's movement from another room, where they can also communicate with you through a speaker in the MRI machine. The process usually takes half an hour to ninety minutes. The machine will make some loud and repetitive humming noises as the MRI image is obtained. You have access to a call button in case you become uneasy during the test. If you are sedated, your heartbeat, breathing, and oxygen levels will all be monitored during the exam for your safety. The MRI technician may ask you to hold your breath for a few seconds during the exam.
Your MRI images will be given to a radiologist trained to interpret scans and write a report on them. Your doctor will then receive the report and discuss it with you and explain the findings. Usually, this will take one or two days; however, if the MRI was done on an emergency basis, the results could be provided quickly. Your MRI results will allow your doctor to diagnose if you have a fractured or dislocated bone or joint, arthritis, or osteomyelitis. A treatment plan for your hip injury will begin once the doctor has reached a diagnosis.
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Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

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