Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

MRI Brain-Head without Contrast

A brain MRI is a non-invasive and painless imaging exam that produces detailed images of your brain and brainstem. This test is also called a brain or cranial MRI. An MRI machine captures photographs of the soft tissue (like organs and muscles) and bones inside your body using radio waves and a magnetic field.
A head MRI is a valuable tool for detecting several brain conditions, including aneurysms or bulging in the brain's blood vessels. An MRI can also be used to identify signs of multiple sclerosis, stroke, injury to your spinal cord, fluid buildup in the brain, infections, tumors, cysts, and swelling. Your doctor may also request a brain MRI to confirm the diagnosis of hormonal disorders, such as acromegaly and Cushing's syndrome bleeding, inflammation problems with development, and blood vessel issues.
A head MRI can help your doctors to determine whether you sustained any damage from a stroke or head injury. Your doctor may also order a brain or head MRI to investigate worrying symptoms like seizures, blurriness in vision, chronic headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and changes in behavior. An MRI can help detect the cause of these issues, which may be a brain issue since MRIs allow doctors to see bony structures and soft tissue. If you have to undergo brain surgery, your doctor may order a functional MRI (fMRI) of the brain. A functional MRI can help doctors pinpoint the brain sections used for functions like speech and language and limb mobility. The MRI does this by measuring metabolic changes in your brain when you perform specific tasks. A medical professional will ask you to perform simple tasks during this test, like answering basic questions or performing simple mobility acts like touching your thumb to your fingers. There is another type of MRI called magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), which closely examines the blood vessels in the brain.
There is no need to prepare for this exam especially. However, you have to change into a hospital gown and remove jewelry and piercings before the scan. Tell your doctor if you have artificial heart valves, implants, plates, prosthetic joints or limbs, or stents in your body since an MRI machine uses magnets. Make sure your doctor knows if you have had a pacemaker so they can use another imaging exam, such as a CT scan. However, some models are re-programmable, so they're not a hindrance to the scan. If you're claustrophobic, being in the MRI machine can be triggering. In this case, you can get anti-anxiety medications or even be sedated for the exam.
The MRI technician will direct you into the position for the scan. You will be asked to lie on your back or side on a padded table part of the MRI machine. For this procedure, you may have a plastic coil placed around your head. You can also ask for a pillow for support or blanket if you have trouble lying on the bench or are in discomfort. The technician will then control the bench's movement from another room and slide you into the machine head first. They will also communicate with you through a speaker in the machine. The process usually takes half an hour to an hour. The machine makes some loud and repetitive humming noises as the MRI image is obtained. You have access to a call button in case you become uneasy during the test. The MRI technician may ask you to hold your breath for a few seconds during the exam. If you are sedated, your heartbeat, breathing, and oxygen levels will all be monitored during the exam for your safety.
The MRI technologist will give your MRI images to a radiologist trained to interpret scans and write a report on them. Your doctor will then receive the report and discuss it with you. The results of your brain MRI will let your doctor determine if you have had an aneurysm, stroke, spinal cord injury, built-up of fluid in the brain, or another issue. A treatment plan will begin once a diagnosis is reached.
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Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00