Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00

X-Ray Knee 3V

X Ray Basics:

The knees 3V X-ray is a set of radiographs taken to investigate conditions of the knee joint. These are usually ordered in the context of trauma, such as a car or sporting accident or assault. This procedure usually comprises three projections: anteroposterior view, lateral view, and axial view. 

The images show the soft tissues and bones of the knee joint, a hinge synovial joint that connects the femur (upper leg), tibia (lower leg), and patella (kneecap). The knee joint also contains some soft tissues and muscle, which allow extension, flexion, medial and lateral rotations.

Why do you need an X-ray?

Knee 3V X-rays are used to diagnose a fracture or osteoarthritis in the knee joint. This procedure can help find the causes of typical symptoms like swelling, pain sensitivity, or deformity of the knee. Doctors also order this after a broken bone has been set to check if the bone is aligned correctly and adequately healed.

If knee surgery is required, your doctor may order a radiograph to plan for the surgery and, later, see the operation results. Also, a knee X-ray can help diagnose later stages of infection and cysts, tumors, or other diseases in the bone.

When do you need to get it?

Your doctor may order a knee 3V X-ray if you have the following symptoms:

● Pain
● History of knee trauma
● Tenderness at kneecap
● Tenderness only at the patella
● Inability to flex your knee at 90 degrees
● Inability to bear weight
● Suspected osteoarthritis
● Suspected joint effusions
● Infection

Do you need to prepare for the X-ray?

Usually, there are no special preparations needed before this test unless your doctor tells you otherwise. However, tell your doctor if you have surgically implanted devices, such as a metal plate in your head, artificial heart valves, or a pacemaker.

The X-ray technicians may require you to remove your clothing and wear a hospital gown during the procedure. They will also ask you to remove jewelry, glasses, contact lenses, dentures, and accessories before the X-ray. 

Be sure to inform the X-ray technician and your doctor if you are or may be pregnant. Since developing, fetuses are more susceptible to X-ray radiation than us.

What can you expect from an X-ray?

For a knee X-ray, three images are usually taken. Thus the X-ray technician will reposition the knee for each X-ray. Occasionally doctors request X-rays of both legs for comparison.

● AP view: This view shows the distal femur, proximal tibia/fibula, and the patella in the AP position. This view is the ideal projection to assess the tibial plateau and tibiofemoral alignment. For this image, the X-ray technician will ask you to stand and fully extend the knee. The X-ray can also be taken while supine if you have sustained a painful injury to the knee.

● Lateral view: The lateral view shows the side-view of the knee joint and is ordered to assess trauma or injury to the knee. The lateral projection is the ideal view to examine the patella and is also used to diagnose lipohemarthrosis. In this condition, fat and blood collect inside the joint due to trauma. For this projection, the technician will ask you to lie on your affected side, extending your lower knee outward and flexing at 30 degrees. The X-ray will be taken vertically above the knee joint. Oblique lateral views can also be taken when necessary, such as in a problematic trauma setting.

● Axial view: This is also called the sunrise view and shows the kneecap (patellofemoral joint) when the knee is bent. This indicates problems with the joint and the patella, such as fractures, subluxation, and luxation. The technician will ask you to lie down and place your leg on support under the knee for this projection, flexing it at a 45-degree angle. 

What do your X-ray results mean?

Once taken, the technician will give your X-rays to a radiologist who is a medical professional who's specially trained in reading and understanding radiographs. The radiologist will then write out a report which they will share with your primary physician.

Your doctor will then discuss the information with you. A treatment plan will begin once the doctor has determined if you have a fracture, knee dislocation, or osteoarthritis.

Related X-rays:

Knee Patella X-ray, Knees 2 Views, Knees Both views

Distance: 25 KM
Actual Price: $22.00
Your Price: $22.00